LoBiondo Facts

U.S. Representative Frank LoBiondo has painted himself as a moderate. Our mission is to educate the public about his arch conservative voting record and to unseat him in 2006. Our website can be found at www.cpr4nj.org.

Location: New Jersey, United States

Citizens for Progressive Representation (CPR) is a nonprofit grassroots organization, founded in New Jersey, with a mission to bring truth to politics, to remove targeted incumbents from office, and to elect progressive and socially responsible candidates. Our website is located at www.cpr4nj.org.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Personal Attack on Sheehan was Disgraceful

In the letter "Sheehan should be ashamed of her actions" (DJ-8/26), the writer takes a Gold Star mother to task for having the nerve to question our president's motives for pre-emptively invading Iraq. I am sure the writer believes most of the half-truths and outright lies that the administration has been feeding us. Statements such as: "We know where the weapons are," "mushroom cloud," "Saddam has ties to al-Qaida," "we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here," were part of a brilliant $200 million advertising campaign to convince Americans and the international community of the need to go to war. Americans were taken in by the campaign, but not the international community. So the president formed a "coalition of the willing," 90 percent of which is made up of U.S. troops and money and suffers a like amount of casualties. Had we had a true coalition and a number of troops closer to the 500,000 deployed in Gulf War I, we might have avoided the looting of Iraqi national treasures, the theft of Saddam's ammunition dumps by insurgents, and the daily killing and maiming of American troops riding patrol in improperly protected vehicles after it was declared "Mission Accomplished." While Mr. Bush continues to mouth platitudes such as "stay the course, the sacrifice is worth it" and "keep fighting to honor those already killed," reports in the media and the Internet are revealing the true reasons we are in Iraq. Companies with close personal ties to the president and vice president are making billions of dollars on this war and they are positioning themselves to continue profiting after the war. I support the writer's right to voice an opposing opinion, but I object the personal attack on Sheehan calling her a "disgrace to America and an insult to the memory of her son's life." It looks like the First Amendment was written only for those who agree with his opinion. Too bad he missed the point.
Letter printed in the Daily Journal, August 29, 2005.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Priorities Wrong for LoBiondo

In an Aug. 11 article, Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd, was quoted as saying he was angry, embarrassed and outraged at the way the state of New Jersey is allocating homeland-security funding. According to reports, most of the funding is going to Democrat-run districts, only $127 million out of $300 million received from Washington has been spent, and areas that have received funding are misusing it by purchasing such frivolous items as air conditioning for garbage trucks. But one has to wonder about the motive for LoBiondo's indignation when one learns that he voted against investigating possible fraud and price gouging by contractors in Iraq. The cost of that fraud to American taxpayers is in the billions. Contracts were awarded for the most part without competitive bidding and to companies that have close personal ties to President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. LoBiondo seems to be more concerned about allocating money according to party lines than he is about possible theft of taxpayer dollars.
Atlantic City
Letter printed in Press of Atlantic City, August 20, 2005

Bush Vacations as Soldiers Die

In one of the deadliest periods for U.S. soldiers in Iraq, with 54 American soldiers killed in the first 14 days of August, President Bush is on vacation. Not a one- or two-week vacation like the rest of us working-class people, but a five-week vacation. Yes, I know he still makes time for his daily briefing and occasional trips for press opportunities or $2 million fund raisers at his neighbor's ranch. But five weeks away from the White House and the business of running the country? Come on now.I'm sorry, but the president of the most powerful nation on the Earth, who is currently engaged in two wars, has to have more pressing things to do than clear brush, ride bikes and drive visitors around the ranch in his pickup truck. Remember, he's only got three years to retirement.Our sons and daughters are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan every day because vehicles still don't have sufficient armor; our soldiers still do not have the upgraded bullet-proof vests promised them over a year ago; and nobody can travel safely in Iraq, not even the six miles from the Baghdad airport to the Green Zone in Baghdad.President Bush, I'll even give you a week or two off, then let's get back to the job we are all paying you to do. Be this country's leader. For starters, why don't you make a few calls or visits and see what you can do to speed up production or cut through the red tape to get our troops the protective equipment they need and deserve. Remember, you are the one who sent them into harm's way. How about staying on top of the Veterans Administration and making sure it gets all the funding it needs to take care of the thousands of physically and mentally wounded soldiers returning from the war.And on your way back to work, stop and talk with Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a slain soldier. She's been waiting for you outside your ranch, in a ditch.
North Cape May
Letter printed in Press of Atlantic City, August 20, 2005

Friday, August 12, 2005

Congressman's Record Needs to be Discussed

Since my letter and the responses to it generated the On the Record "Retaining point-counterpoint aspect of letters" (DJ-8/6), please allow me to say: I am not at all bothered that my name was used by a writer in a subsequent letter, or that he defended Mr. Frank LoBiondo. I join with The Daily Journal in its belief that publication of a readers' forum is a gift of First Amendment expression, and I am thrilled that my letter provoked any discussion at all about our congressman's record to date. Ironically, I met a person recently at my hairdresser's and, not knowing I was the author of the first letter, she happened to remark that there never used to be any opinion letters about LoBiondo, but that recently she had seen a few. As far as Mr. Robert Wolfe's admonition to "Lighten up, Janet" about my concerns about the Holocaust, human rights for detainees in Guantanamo and the pre-emptive war in Iraq, I'm certain that his statement bespeaks more to his ideology than to mine. Thank you again for providing an opportunity for your readers to express their opinions. Now, may we return to substantive issues?
Egg Harbor Township
Letter printed in the Daily Journal, August 12, 2005

Birth Control Vote by LoBiondo Cast Shadow in Africa

I am extremely disappointed by 2nd District Republican Rep. Frank LoBiondo's recent vote to remove birth control from United States-funded services for coping with "obstetrical fistula'' in poor countries, mostly in Africa.Obstetrical fistula occurs when, in the process of giving birth, often by themselves without medical help, very young women have an obstructed labor. The baby, who often dies in childbirth or is stillborn, tears a hole in the bladder and/or rectum of the mother, thus causing the mother to become permanently incontinent. When this happens, the husband almost always abandons his wife, who returns to her family, often to be rejected again. These women have lives of unspeakable misery.This condition is due to young girls in countries like Ethiopia and Kenya being married at age 10 and giving birth at a very early age. Obviously, having access to birth-control information would be an important tool in helping poor young women in Africa not become pregnant at 10 or 11 years of age, thus avoiding the fistula condition.By opposing the distribution of birth-control information to these women, LoBiondo is condemning many of them to a life of unspeakable misery. After all, until we change the living conditions of poor people around the world, we haven't a chance of winning the "war on terror.'' Saving poor African women from a lifetime of misery and rejection would be one small step in that direction.
Letter printed in AC Press, August 12, 2005

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Abortion Politics Fuels Homelessness

Regarding two July 25 letter writers who asked similar questions about the homeless continuing to have babies:They are unlikely to get any answers from Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd, who exercises moral irresponsibility under guise of the pro-life agenda. LoBiondo fails to write legislation that would permit family planning for pre-adolescents to reduce the escalating number of homeless babies.Current ideological legislation of virtue cannot, alone, address these escalating numbers, which degrade our socioeconomic life. LoBiondo repeatedly votes against family planning, which he and his colleagues purposely package in anti-abortion legislation. Given no choice of family planning in education, we can expect more homelessness - and more degradation of the American Dream.
CHARLES A. ANDRADE Letter printed in Press of Atlantic City, August 8, 2005 http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/columns/080605LETTSSATAUG6.cfm

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Review How LoBiondo Votes

Should we make it harder for our allies to sell arms technology to China? Would you like to have benchmarks set for measuring progress in our involvement in Iraq?Would you like to prevent the arms race from being extended into outer space?Would you like U.S. aid to poor countries to include birth control for women whose health is endangered by pregnancy?If you read the "How your lawmakers voted" column in The Press on Sundays, perhaps this paper's most important service, you would know that U.S. Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd, recently voted against all these measures.While gaffes like his recent favorable comparison of Adolf Hitler to untried prisoners betray his eagerness to suppress evidence of abuse at Guantanamo and an inability to think on his feet, LoBiondo's votes in Congress directly impact our lives, most often very detrimentally.If you disagree with the LoBiondo voting record, it's time to think about voting for a replacement next year.


Letter Printed in Press of Atlantic City, August 4, 2005 http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/columns/080405LETTERSAUG4.cfm

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Let LoBiondo Serve in Iraq

Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd, voted to go to war against the people of Iraq. But LoBiondo did not say, "Follow me.'' Instead, he sent our National Guard and Reserves over to do the job. Now he is in our schools trying to recruit our children to fight his war.I looked on LoBiondo's Web site to check on what branch of the armed forces he served in. Nowhere could I find where he served his country on the battlefield. Could it be that the man who calls for war refused to fight for his country?Whatever the reason, there is still time to make good and call himself a man. He could take his turn and serve a year in Iraq. Being that LoBiondo is in the trucking business, he can drive a truck. They need truck drivers real bad on the Baghdad airport road.LoBiondo has the political savvy. He can straighten the political question out quickly. Just imagine what a boost the U.S. Army recruiting drive would have if LoBiondo would say, "Follow me to Iraq.''
Letter Printed in the AC Press, August 3, 2005